Surging to 2nd place, Fiorina tries to seize 'important moment' for campaign - Los Angeles Times

Surging to 2nd place, Fiorina tries to seize 'important moment' for campaign - Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles Times

Surging to 2nd place, Fiorina tries to seize 'important moment' for campaign
Los Angeles Times
Carly Fiorina tried to extend her surge in the polls Sunday, portraying herself in a television interview as a tough negotiator and hard-nosed manager willing to winnow down government inefficiency and bureaucracy. Now in second place in the crowded ...
Carly Fiorina: Some Government Jobs 'Have To Go Away,' Like They Did At ...Huffington Post
Donald Trump accused Carly Fiorina of being a terrible CEO. Here are the facts.Chicago Daily Herald
Trump Blasts Fiorina: 'If You Listen To Her For More Than Five Minutes ...Daily Caller
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