Police: 2 killed, at least 7 injured in Tel Aviv pub shooting - CNN

Police: 2 killed, at least 7 injured in Tel Aviv pub shooting - CNN


Police: 2 killed, at least 7 injured in Tel Aviv pub shooting
(CNN) [Breaking news update, published at 12:04 p.m. ET]. The number of people injured in Friday's shooting in Tel Aviv, Israel, stands at seven -- four seriously hurt and three moderately -- police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld told CNN. This is in ...
Two Killed, Seven Hurt in Shooting at Tel Aviv Cafe-BarNBCNews.com
Manhunt for gunman accused of killing 2 at Tel Aviv barFox News
Gunman kills 2 at bar in Tel Aviv; manhunt underwayWashington Post
New York Post -New York Daily News
all 266 news articles »

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