Low wage workers stage demonstrations in Denver, throughout the country - The Denver Post

Low wage workers stage demonstrations in Denver, throughout the country - The Denver Post


Low wage workers stage demonstrations in Denver, throughout the country
The Denver Post
Christopher Smith, right, leads chants during a protest for higher wages for fast food workers outside a McDonald's in Memphis, Tenn., Thursday, April 14, 2016. Protesters calling for pay of $15 an hour and a union are at McDonald's restaurants around ...
Protesters Gather For 'Fight For $15' On Tax Day EveCBS Local
Pittsburgh workers protest entry-level wages; push for $15 an hourPittsburgh Post-Gazette
Workers in Philly and beyond rally to raise minimum wage6abc.com
CBS 8 San Diego -ThinkProgress -The Union Leader -STLtoday.com
all 62 news articles »

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