The Lawsuit to Keep Virginia's Felons From Voting - The Atlantic

The Lawsuit to Keep Virginia's Felons From Voting - The Atlantic

The Atlantic

The Lawsuit to Keep Virginia's Felons From Voting
The Atlantic
Republican lawmakers in Virginia said Monday they plan to file a lawsuit to stop Democratic Governor Terry McAuliffe's decision to let felons vote in the upcoming election. McAuliffe had campaigned to restore voting rights to more than 200,000 felons ...
Virginia GOP to sue McAuliffe over felon voting rightsMSNBC
Virginia GOP to sue governor over convicted felons votingThe Hill (blog)
Virginia GOP To Sue Gov. McAuliffe Over Granting Felons Voting RightsDaily Caller
Daily Press -Jezebel -International Business Times -WAMU 88.5
all 74 news articles »

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