4 theories why Donald Trump's many falsehoods aren't hurting him - Washington Post

4 theories why Donald Trump's many falsehoods aren't hurting him - Washington Post

Washington Post

4 theories why Donald Trump's many falsehoods aren't hurting him
Washington Post
To hear Donald Trump tell it, there were thousands of Muslims cheering in the streets of New Jersey on the day the World Trade Center towers fell. Oh, and President Obama is welcoming 200,000 Syrian refugees next year. And then there's the fact that ...
First Read: Donald Trump, The Post-Truth 2016 CandidateNBCNews.com
Donald Trump's 9/11 celebration claim widely disputedCNN
Fact checkers are shredding Donald Trump's claims he saw people 'cheering' on 9/11Business Insider
Slate Magazine (blog) -New York Daily News -MSNBC
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