#BrusselsLockdown request for social media blackout prompts flood of cat pictures - Fox News

#BrusselsLockdown request for social media blackout prompts flood of cat pictures - Fox News

Fox News

#BrusselsLockdown request for social media blackout prompts flood of cat pictures
Fox News
A request from law enforcement not to tweet about the Brussels lockdown Sunday prompted an incredible response as Belgians used the hastag #BrusselsLockdown to tweet cat pictures. The Belgian Federal Police tweeted the request for a social media ...
#BrusselsLockdown Cat Tweets Go Viral During Terrorism RaidsNBCNews.com
Why kitten photos overwhelmed the #BrusselsLockdown on TwitterChristian Science Monitor
Cats Take Over #BrusselsLockdown on TwitterWall Street Journal (blog)
New York Times -NOLA.com -The Seattle Times
all 278 news articles »

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