Political Group Will Give Larry David $5000 For Calling Donald Trump A Racist On 'SNL'

One of the highlights of Donald Trump's highly anticipated appearance on "Saturday Night Live" was seeing Larry David heckle the real estate mogul during the opening monologue.
"You're a racist!" David yelled, as Trump stood onstage with two of his "SNL" doppelgängers. "Trump's a racist!"
When Trump asked David -- who was on set to reprise his Bernie Sanders impression -- why he was heckling, he responded, "I heard if I yelled that, they’d give me $5,000." He was right.
"They" referred to Deport Racism, a PAC that earlier in the week offered a cash reward to anyone who called Trump a racist on live television. David's bit was scripted, though the identity of the heckler was clearly a pleasant surprise to the cheering studio audience.
And now, Deport Racism is making good on its pledge. In a press release, Deport Racism's campaign director announced that the group would reward David for "standing up" to Trump's incendiary rhetoric:
"There’s nothing funny about calling Mexican immigrants rapists, murderers and drug dealers," the statement reads. "You could never get away with saying that about African-Americans, so why is it OK to say it about Latinos? Trump’s attacks on the rights of U.S.-born American citizens calling them ‘anchor babies’ and threatening to tear up the U.S. constitution to strip them of their rights is un-American and offensive. We need to deport racism, not people.”
Trump shrugged off the heckling, and used it as an opportunity to remind the audience of his mogul status: "As a businessman," he said of David's motivation for interrupting, "I can fully respect that." see more

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